Thursday, April 15, 2010

Unit8 Blog Creating Wellness

The Loving Kindness as well as the Meditation Practices were my favorite and I felt them to be the most beneficial. The Loving Kindness was great for me because it can be "expressed in our thoughts, prayers, and advice, or through physical assistance, and generosity that connect heart-to heart" According to (Dacher, 2006) This practice has done all the above in my life to help foster with my mental fitness because it has shown me how to connect with myself in silence and gain a better scope of my pyschological, and my spiritual well being. Meditation has shown me how to connect with my inner and outer feelings along with helping me to alleviate stress in a more positive fashion; such as when a negative thought comes into my mind don't react to it so fast but calm down, and be silent and concentrate on all positive things. I am so glad I took this class. I have really enjoyed being able to create myself and explore my innerself to the most highest level.

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